Friday, July 30, 2010

# 12. Try 100 different beers (1/100)

Last night Mr. J. and I went to the Revolver Lounge at the Santa Fe Station with some friends. I'm not really sure what the deal was, but it was something with Dave and Mahoney and their DAM Morning Show on X 107.5.
Either way, it was $2 entry, I got 2 free drink vouchers, $3 Stone Levitation Ales & (the icing on the cake for J.) $2 PBR tall boys!!!

Anyone who knows my boyfriend knows that when happy hour includes PBR's you can put money that J. will be there!!!!

While there, I got to start working on # 12 Try 100 different beers.
I liked it. It's dark and has a pretty malty taste to it. Would be a little too heavy for your regular drinking, but definitely worth it to cross off the list!
These are the lovely folks we met up with at Revolver, Ben & Sabrina.
Before leaving, J. just HAD to see the Harley and even politely asked if he could start it.....I have a feeling I'm going to come home to a bike in the garage one of these days.
You cant really see it in this picture and the pictures I took were terrible, but that disco ball right there is an armadillo!!!!!
Just the giant glittery armadillo spinning from the ceiling was worth the trip over there!!!


  1. A disco ball armadillo?!?! Is this Heaven?

  2. Via @natevegas:

    Good stuff! BTW, the disco ball is named Delilah. She has a twitter account that's pretty amusing.

