On a beautiful early autumn day, in lovely Camarillo, California on the even more breath taking Camarillo Ranch, the beautiful Devon Ann and dashing Kevin (didn't catch his middle name) we're married in front of a crowd of excited friends and family.

How's that for a fluffy opening?!?
Devon is my boyfriends big sister, and the author of the awesome blog The Pin-up Chronicles.
Jace and I were lucky enough to be asked to be in the wedding, and boy oh boy was it a fun event.....and we didn't look to shabby either, if I do say so my self.
The stunning bride and her beautiful and talented maid of honor, Ariane.
Ariane is the creative whirlwind behind The Sweet Petunia.
Pretty, delicate, lacy hand made embroidery is kind of the specialty,
but I've seen the cozy cuddly blankets and quilts too and they are AWESOME as well!
GranMa Payne and her "baby boy".
The newly weds at the head table with the show stealer, The Miss Scarlett Belle.

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