Thursday, June 2, 2011

Helllllooooo 25......#26 Get new, nice camera. Use it.

This past weekend the BF and I headed over to LA to celebrate Memorial Day weekend and to partake in the most epic combo-pirthday party in a long while...the Gemeni Bash!!!!!

I really wish we could have gotten a pic like this with Beth and Shelby too. We'll know next time there's a confetti explosion.

My stunning sorority sisters.

"You guys need another round of mimosas!?"........uhhhhh YUP

Veteran V-necker, and the Virgin V-necker.

The beautiful Meagan and my new favorite hat (thanks Zack!!!!!)

The weekend was full of fantastic food, glitter, amazing friend, surprises, deep (and baby) v-necks, finger wieners, strong drinks, glow sticks, short dresses, feather hats, countless bottles of champagne,dance parties and soooo many more of my favorite things!!

Thank you all so much for such a fantastic weekend!!!!!