Tuesday, September 20, 2011

48. Take the Hoover Dam tour.

I completely forgot that this was on my list!!! But while the fam was in town visiting we did the Hoover Dam tour and it was bad ass!!!

I know you can see it from air planes, and you can see the size when you drive over it, but not until we got out and were walking around can you really take in the magnitude of it, it's absolutley incredible just how gargantuan the thing is.

Apparently, with all the concrete that was used, a 4 foot sidewalk around the earths equator could be built

and it would go around FOUR TIMES!!!!

The Dam was completed in 1936, right at the height of the art deco-movement, and you can really see the era while you're walking around in the visitor area and even when you're deep underground. All over the place is beautiful, shining, polished brass fixtures and railings, and any where with inscriptions or directions is done in this beautiful early 20th century font.

My uncle flipping the switch for a staircase that has more than 770 steps!!!!! It was so big that you couldn't see the top or the bottum!!

Walking around in some of the tunnels, Jace was a little cramped. I guess the dam workers in the 1920's and 1930's wern't quite 6'4!!!

But I had more then enough clearance room over head!!!

Love is in the air.

On a beautiful early autumn day, in lovely Camarillo, California on the even more breath taking Camarillo Ranch, the beautiful Devon Ann and dashing Kevin (didn't catch his middle name) we're married in front of a crowd of excited friends and family.

How's that for a fluffy opening?!?

Devon is my boyfriends big sister, and the author of the awesome blog The Pin-up Chronicles.
Jace and I were lucky enough to be asked to be in the wedding, and boy oh boy was it a fun event.....and we didn't look to shabby either, if I do say so my self.

The stunning bride and her beautiful and talented maid of honor, Ariane.

Ariane is the creative whirlwind behind The Sweet Petunia.

Pretty, delicate, lacy hand made embroidery is kind of the specialty,

but I've seen the cozy cuddly blankets and quilts too and they are AWESOME as well!

GranMa Payne and her "baby boy".

The newly weds at the head table with the show stealer, The Miss Scarlett Belle.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1. Read 50 Books (11/50).

A fantastic read!!! Although my expierences with my own father were VERY different, I could easly relate to having a parent that that really dosen;t know how to love.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

12. Try 100 different beers (10/100).

On our way back from the Hoover Dam tour, Jace and I stopped in to the Boulder Dam Brewing Company.
I had a Groupon, and we we're all the way out there any ways........ and who am I kidding......Jace and I don't need an excuse for a beer!!!

Our Groupon was for a 6 beer sampler and 2 pints.

I had the hefeweizen (and I forgot what Jace had).
Wasn't the best one I've tried, but after walking around in the heat all morning it was still a welcomed refreshment!!

Yey!!! Happy girl with her tasty beer.

The 1st family visitors!!!!!

This past weekend my aunt and uncle were in town visiting from Rhode Island.

Uncle Steve and Aunti Paulette at Red Rock Visitor Center.

In the few short days that they were here we managed to pack in some serious tourist-ing.

We took the scenic drive at Red Rock Canyon......

we went up to Mt. Charleston for lunch and walked around a bit.....

explored Freemont St......

and took the Hoover Dam tour!!!