Either way, it was $2 entry, I got 2 free drink vouchers, $3 Stone Levitation Ales & (the icing on the cake for J.) $2 PBR tall boys!!!

Monday night I had my 1st official chess lesson. After dinner J. taught me some of the basics and he then proceeded to mercilessly kick my butt!
The next 2 nights have looked similar. We start the game, I gain a little confidence, make a few clever moves and then BAM....he beats me again! Just like that!
I'm going to need a bit more practice before I can beat Chess Master J., but I think it's safe to say #17 Learn to play chess, is off the list.
Before the chess lesson , J. did humor me by playing a few games of Mancala, which I know he hates, during dinner.
And he totally beat me at that too!!! Both times!! I couldn't believe it!
I was shocked by how much my mad mancala skills have diminished in the past 2 years. When I was going to school in FL, one of my best buds and I would literally spend hours before, between and after class in her dorm room playing this game.
Here we have a (really bad) picture of all the loot I scored!!
4 dresses @ .25 c each.
long flower printed maxi dress in the middle.
short black and white polka dots (Black and White Party dress......maybe?!?!)
short black bathing suit cover up/ long black skirt (blob on the right)
short black sun dress (blob on the left)
aluminum lantern for the back yard , also .25 c2 books @ .25 c each
giant back of mixed yarn, craft odds & ends, and a new set of knitting needles for some undisclosed donation
and the most exciting of all.....
A brand new (unopened) chess set for $1.00 and the book "Learn to play Chess in 30 min" for a dime!!!
I was super stoked about this purchase because a.) HELLO.....it was a dollar!!!! and b.) it's # 17 on "The List". Smashed is a very dark story of Koren, a girl who starts binge drinking in her early teens and the habit continued and escalates through her college years and into early adulthood.
At Florida State I totally knew this girl, well lots of these girls. Not this exact girl or these exact set of circumstances, but pretty, accomplished young women that most parents would be proud to call their daughters. They shared the common bond that they are all completely disturbed or hurt and are drinking and self medicating to escape some unknown, internal dark force.
A really good book, an easy read for sure.
It makes me think of the Robbin Williams quote, "Being a functioning alcoholic is like being a paraplegic lap-dancer. You can do it, just not as well as the others."
9600 W. Sahara Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Las Vegas, NV 89119
821 Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89101 Liberace Foundation and Museum
1775 E. Tropicana Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89119