Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5. Go Camping 5 Times (1/5).

This past October, the BF and I camped Bonelli Park in SoCal for Volkswagen show. This is our 3rd time camping in the park and going to the car show and it's always a good time.
Our 1st time we were just poorly prepared in general. The 2nd year it rained NONSTOP, we had to set up camp in the rain and I had to ride around in a convertible with a hole in the top right over my lap. This last year we were burglarized by some very crafty raccoons who managed to unzip part of our tent, reached into our cooler and stole our sandwiches!!!!!
The Beautiful Miss Dara.
I don't think this was the car we took camping...but ohhhhh, isn't it good looking?!?!
Blogger is currently mad at me. I can't figure out how to change any thing , and I can't highlight any thing, post links, change sizes and fonts, and so much more. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

30. Coachella Dreamin' (and 5. Go camping 5 times 2/5)

On April 12th, The Jace man and I headed out from Las Vegas towards Indio Valley to meet up with all of our West Coast Family for what we now know as "the best weekend of our lives!!!!"

On top of the ferris wheel on day 1.

Sun rise at Coachella day 3.

This Aussie looks WAY to happy to have just had his ass continually kicked in flip cup!

Our crew catching some shade with the parachute.

Swedish House Mafia, Gotye, Florance and The Machine, The Shins,
Childish Gambino, Fitz and the Tantrums,Radio Head
Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, TUPAC, AwolNation, Group Love,
Dat Sick, Gary Clark Jr,The Black Keys.......

North 106th St. Family

All the pictures from that weekend are posted on my facebook page. Feel free to take a peak.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Love is in the air......Again!!!

I few weeks ago I went home to be part of one of my very best friends wedding!!
It was in the garden of the Crane Cottage, at the Jekyll Island Club in GA and it
was an absolutely stunning location!
The whole island is gorgeous and so full of character and history.
If you ever get a chance take a look at the website and read up a bit about this place. I had never heard of it, but had such a fantastic time exploring the island and learning about the people who built such a breath taking retreat.
The Harpers

Thursday, March 15, 2012

96. Get a fire pit, maake S'mores and hang with friends

This is another long neglected post.

We had a ton of friends staying over with us for Thanksgiving weekend, so I knew I had to get crackin' on the fire pit purchase.

This beauty was on craigslist.com listed for $30.....but the guy took $20!!!!
A good deal makes me appreciate my purchases so much more!!!

Hookah, champagne, s'mores and fire pit!!!
What a fantastic way to spend the night!!!

92. Get new, nice bedding and make the bed every day for a month.

I can proudly say that since moving to the new house I have made the bed every morning!!!!!
With the exception of one very painful hang over which had me occupying the bed for most of the day.
That's almost 2 straight months!!!
It's defiantly a habit that's going to stick.
I've long heard that the bed its the "anchor" of the bedroom, by making it when you first get up, you prevent your self from crawling back in there for a few extra minuets of snooze and it really does help keep the bedroom clear of other clutter and mess.
The empty space above the bed will be filled in ASAP with
our awesome headboard
(I'll post a picture once it's done).
I'm not a huge fan of purple in general, but I am a HUGE fan of 250 thread count and $60 % off at Ross. I like the light lavender and the darker maroon color of the embroidered flowers, they match another sheet and pillow set I have.
I used to make my bed every day in college, and just fell out of the habit when I graduated and moved into a bigger space. It's easy to just get up and not deal with it, but in all reality, it takes me about 90 seconds to fluff up the pillows and straighten up the blanket. So totally worth it!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

4. Buy a crock pot. Learn to make chili

We got the crock pot last year and learned to make a pretty bomb chili a short time after and as with most of the goals on the list, I just haven't gotten around to posting about them until much later.
For our original attempt with the chili, we followed an actual recipe, but we quickly realized how simple it was if you just follow the basics
Beans + Tomato Sauce +Meat = CHILI
Last weeks chili was as followed.......
1 can black beans
1 can garbanzo beans
1 can corn
2 cans plain tomato sauce
2 lbs ground turkey
2 chopped tomato's
1 chopped bell pepper
1 chopped onion
Jalapenos and garlic to taste.............I use lots of both!!!
On the left : we had some left over spag sauce and salsa from earlier in the week, so I tossed that in there too
I threw it in before work and it was ready when I got home at 5:30. So easy!!!!
At the moment I'm working on learning 2 other easy crock pot dinners, I'll make sure to update.

Monday, February 27, 2012

These boots were made for.......standing?

I wear my boots all year long (shorts, dresses, shirts.......really ALL year long), so they are always on full "display" in my closet. Before I learned this little diddy, my storage method was just a pile-o-boots but now, they are always organized and easy to find.
Save up your wine bottles, then just slide them in the boots and stand up......that's it.

There you have it.
Boots that stand up straight so you can take a peek at them instead of digging through a messy pile at the bottom of the closet.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

DIY: Over the knee psudo-leg warmers

As a life long sun and summer worshiper, I normally go into hibernation mode in the winter. Resigning my self to dark evenings spent on the couch under a pile of blankets and pit bulls has been the norm. Decked out in only the sexiest of Old Navy and Victoria Secret Yoga pants and old FSU and AXO t-shirts is how you will normally find me after work, on the weekends, or any other time I can get away with it.

But this year I've been making an effort to wear some more attractive clothing this (admittedly mild by most standard) winter.

I've seen TONS of cute leg warmers around on-line, in stores and on Pintrest....of course!!!

I'm intrigued and inspired!!!!!

So warm!!!

So cozy!!

So I rummaged around the sock drawer and picked out 2 pairs of cute shin-high socks (that might I add were all labeled "knee high" when I purchased them) that I haven't worn to often. The grey ones, are actually super sparkly and matched the scarf I was wearing this weekend.

I cut the toes off, pulled up onto my leggings, bunched them up around my knees and ...........TADA!!!!

Surprisingly enough, in an era of myspace.com/self portrait/ mirror picture overload there isn't really an easy or flattering way to take a picture of your own legs and feet......so this was the best I got.

If I can remember, next time I wear them (or the others I cut up to match my brown boots) I'll make sure to have some one take an action shot!!

1. Read 50 books (17/50).

LOVED the 1st and 2nd. I liked the last one as well, but it didn't grab me like the first 2 did. I can't wait for the movie to come out in march!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Round up: The Hunger Games

If you haven't read the book I'm not going to tell the story or spoil the excitement, but every one in my office read the complete series and we all got super into it!!!

I've mentioned the book to a few of my friends out side of work, and was pleasantly surprised to find that quite a few of them enjoyed it as much as I did!!

I was inspired by Katness and the fighters in the Districts and all the Delicious foods and extreme fashions of the folks in the capital.

So this Round Up is in honor of The Hunger Games!!

All of the foods sounded awesome, but what stuck with me was Katness's favorite lamb stew with plumbs.

Particularly because I really love lamb, but only have it prepared at Indian restaurants. This one on Fictional Food looks delicious!!

This whole blog, Fictional Food is brilliant!!

Bring food from the page to the plate.

This print is . I like the masculine tone with the blues and the clean fonts, and that it's not completely obvious that it's a reference to the book....but those who know.....know.

I tried to find where the print came from, but from pintrest.com it was just linked to a Tumbler account. If I come across it on Etsy, a will absolutely 100% add a link to it in here.

The Helmut Lang, Weathered Shearling Jacket is fantastic!!! It's a great mix of a classic feminine leather jacket, with the sleek and slender out line, but also a bit more modern with the off set zipper and wrap up hood.

I can easily see a sheath of arrows thrown over the shoulder here, as our heroine is running through the woods.

I really loved that Katness's little sister Prim, has a goat, not only for the money from selling the milk, but it also seems to be a bit of a pet too.
In England, some friends of my parents had goats at their house. They by no means we're living out in the farm lands, but rather in the middle of a pretty populated area, and constantly shouted the praise of their little ladies!!

One day, when we have a bit more space (for them to roam and to build them a little pin) I would LOVE to have a few goats!!!

These were some great resources on urban goat keeping.

The Goat Justice League

Urban Farm Online - Which I will for sure be checking out again. A great resource for every thing from chicken coops to container planting.

And it has inspired me to wear my hair in a long, gorgeous, glamorous, yet practical for the games, braid, ala Miss. Katness Everdeen

1. Read 50 books (14/50).

Desert Queen: The Extradonary Life of Gertrude Bell

Candy Girl

The Glass Castle